Because that’s who can best prepare you to Create The Future You Deserve with the vision, the tools, and the plan.

Abraham Lincoln once said: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
There are as many Descriptive Futurists as there are stars in the heavens. Prescriptive Futurists are a far rarer thing. Mainly because it’s a lot easier to describe what “might” happen and a considerably more challenging undertaking to help guide you to manifesting that future of choice.
Try googling “Futurist Speaker” and you’ll get something like TWO MILLION hits. Narrow that down to “BEST FUTURIST SPEAKER” and you winnow down to something like a half million hits. Add a specific year, say 2018, and you reduce the choices to a quarter million.
Google “PRESCRIPTIVE FUTURIST” and the number dwindles to somewhere around 75,000; except that the “prescriptive” refers to the analytics some futurists use to get to their predictions. It’s all about the thinking without little, if any, mention of the how to get it done.
In the immense universe of choices, there is only one prescriptive futurist – a futurist who can not only help you see a vision of what might be but the one who also provides a toolkit for manifesting the vision of your choice. By applying Thinking Whole and Breaking Genius to Creating the Future You Deserve, John Krubski can get your team to an actionable vision and an action plan for that future in a single day. That’s right, a single day. Best of all, if he fails to deliver, you don’t have to pay for the day. When was the last time you heard that kind of promise from a consultant?
The exact same process and learnings that apply to teams can also be usefully implemented by individuals.
Call or email to get started on the path to defining and manifesting The Future You Deserve.