How Thinking Whole can help teams and organizations (and high school classrooms) achieve Moments of Genius repeatedly and on demand.
It works for Senior Leadership Teams. It works for Ad Agency Creatives. It works for 14-year-old high school freshmen.
Twenty-five years ago, John Krubski began to achieve uncommonly highly creative results – in a single day – while working with corporate tasked and leadership teams. Over the following decades, his unique process developed, evolved, and perfected. It helped shape strategy, align organizations, and unleash innovation. It also helped take the output of advertising and marketing creative teams to a higher level by simultaneously unleashing collective native intelligences and grounding that creativity in practical applicability.
Ten years ago, Dr. Alexandra K. Krubski, began using exactly the same process (which we now call “Breaking Genius”) in her high school biology classrooms. Why? Because she found that fertile, but often distracted, young minds responded to the open-ended discipline of Breaking Genius with remarkable consistency. In extremely short order, they made sense of even scientifically complex information, organized it into a conceptual, consistent, whole – and achieved sometimes literally stunning clarity of understanding and insight.
It turns out that what works with adolescent brains also works with adult management minds; and vice versa. Moreover, it not only structures information, it simultaneously provides a platform for insight, creativity, and innovation – and actionability.
Those of you who are familiar with Daniel Kahneman’s THINKING FAST AND SLOW (or Malcolm Gladwell’s BLINK, or Michael Lewis’ MONEY BALL) might better appreciate Breaking Genius as the logical extension of that foundation of behavioral economics.
Breaking Genius is the actionable process that derives from what we call THINKING WHOLE. As we see it, Kahneman’s System One (Intuition) and System Two (Deliberation) only take things far enough to describe models of decision-making. Decisioning is essentially making the better of two or more choices.
What about creativity? What about Innovation? What about manifesting an entirely novel alternative. Most importantly, what about a prescription for doing rather than an explanation?
That’s why we took on the task of creating THINKING WHOLE (aka “System Three”) and BREAKING GENIUS. It’s what fuels, informs, and grounds everything on this website, along with everything in our more academic platform: and what we describe in our book.