Einstein once said that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity
Quantifying the Phantom Dimensions
If everything about how people decide, value, and behave is changing – wouldn’t that call for a change in the way we study and understand these changes? We think it does. Would you continue to farm with only a tractor if you had access to a farmers combine? We wouldn’t.
That’s why itlcINSIGHTS, ESL Consulting, and The Institute for Applied Decisional Sciences are partnering in the Advanced insights initiative. Our mission is nothing less than to redefine the dimensions of decisioning that have become the staples of marketing and social research. We intend to bring them in line with an increasingly rapidly changing world on the one hand and the rapidly escalating capabilities of technology and the recent explosion of thinking about thinking on the other.
Our goals are to create a research mechanism that solves for what we don’t know, embraces the unlikely, and offers a holistic, integrated, and dynamic approach to marketing and social insights research that finally integrates two phantom decisional dimensions into the calculus – Intensity and Cultureographic Context.